Human Resources, Human Stories: How Refugee Hiring Strengthens Workplace Culture

Refugee Hiring

Beyond achieving business goals, workplaces are environments where people come together, gain experience, and enjoy community. A diverse workforce enriches work culture – hiring refugees is a powerful tool for building inclusive, sympathetic and empathetic work environments. Refugees come with skillsets and experiences that enrich workplaces, not to mention the grit, determination and persistence that comes with having endured unimaginable scenarios. Bringing refugees into the workplace not only boosts the team and enriches a dynamic environment, but contributes in an expansive way to social good.

The Value of Personal Stories in the Workplace

Many of the refugees come with moving tales of their ordeals, wartime experiences, diaspora, and migration. Most have escaped the hell of war, persecution or violence, and emigrated with their children and meagre belongings. They have lost their homes and families, their careers and professions. But refugees are, by nature, resilient, optimistic and hardworking. They, of all people, understand the value of education and insight, and many of them are determined to succeed in the new environment. Their tales are the sagas of human efficacy and tenacity.

And by coming to work, they will not just leave those stories behind, unwilling to revisit some of the most traumatic periods of their lives. Refugees’ experiences continue with them, informing how they navigate risk, solve problems and find commonalities with others. Workplaces are richer when refugees share their stories. These true and powerful accounts of making decisions to flee and the journeys that follow are likely to motivate colleagues and foster deeper empathy and understanding in the workplace.

Building a Culture of Empathy and Inclusivity

The most profound way that hiring refugees improves the culture at a workplace, however, is through empathy – that is, when employees are exposed to refugee stories, that exposes them to the hazards that people endure in different parts of the world, and thereby makes them more empathetic, compassionate, and tolerant of people who are different from themselves.

Employer openness to empathy and inclusivity can lead to greater employee engagement and satisfaction. Through actions that foster social responsibility and an inclusive atmosphere, employees become more motivated, loyal and proud of the work they do. Hiring refugees can cast a company in a positive light, a place where each member is able to focus on their work at hand rather than worry about jumpstarting a new career. When this happens, the workplace becomes a more supportive, inclusive environment for all.

The Benefits of Diversity for Innovation and Problem-Solving

Diversity brings innovation and better problem-solving. If people come from different backgrounds, cultures and have different experiences and life stories, then they also bring different points of views. Refugees in particular will bring their insights and approaches in overcoming challenges, adapting to new situations and ways of expressing themselves.

For firms and industries that require creative, innovative and flexible environments, the input of refugees can add a valuable perspective – challenging conventional thinking, inspiring new paths of thought and stimulating a more dynamic and forward-looking workplace ethos. At a very basic, cost-effective and practical level, teams with diverse backgrounds and experience are better placed to meet a global customer base. Diversity is starting to look like a rather smart commercial move for firms operating in an increasingly interconnected world.

Mentorship and Support: Key to Success

While the recruitment of refugees has many pluses, we must ensure that they are armed with the necessary support to maximise their chances of success. Mentorship programmes are an unparalleled means of easing refugees into the workplace. Through initial encouragement and continued support, mentors can impart lessons (on anything from communication/networking to effective time management to a career road map), reassurance and understanding, all of which work towards helping our newcomers become increasingly productive and welcome members of the team.

Languagesupport, cultural orientation and ample opportunity for selfdevelopment in the workplace can also help refugees excel professionally.Companies with such offerings will make refugees feel at home.


The workplace benefits from hiring refugees, and its culture is enriched by the vast experiences; while individuals feel touched by people whose courage and determination can inspire us all. Refugees contribute to enlivening work environments in a visibly positive way. They radiate resilience and determination to make a new life; they have often learnt to make the best of every situation, and those tired of complaining about everyday tasks are in for a challenge! They enrich the lives of everyone around them; great minds think alike and attract the extraordinary.

A focus on refugee hiring can enhance a workplace environment in ways that cultivate cultural diversity and foster the attitudes of empathy and innovation that ultimately makes the company a more dynamic and supportive place to work for everyone.


Breaking Barriers: Overcoming Challenges in Refugee Employment in Australia


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