Our Policies

Protecting our team, our partners, and the communities we serve is at the core of everything we do.

By prioritising the prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse, child abuse, harassment, fraud, corruption, unethical practices, and other abuses of power, our policies help safeguard everyone involved in our work. Aligned with our Code of Conduct, they guide our ethical decision-making, management processes, public outreach, and proper use of resources.

Code of Good Practice

Our Code of Good Practice sets out the shared values, principles, and commitments that guide the humanitarian, development, and advocacy work of Global Talent Pathway. It establishes the minimum professional and ethical standards expected of Global Talent Pathway and its partners.

Open Information Policy
Global Talent Pathway is committed to openness, transparency, and accountability to our key stakeholders, especially the refugees we support. We share relevant information with beneficiaries, partner organizations, supporters, donors, and the general public, and we remain accountable to our staff, volunteers, donors, suppliers, and the Australian government.

The information we publish, and how we respond to requests for further details, are central aspects of our accountability. We will proactively release information and, on request, will disclose additional materials or provide clear reasons for any decision not to disclose (for example, to respect confidentiality or privacy or to protect the safety of the people we serve). Our guiding principle is to weigh any risks against our mission to enhance the safety, justice, and dignity of refugees. We will also provide guidance on how to request information and outline the types of information that are readily available.

To request information, please contact us at:

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