From Crisis to Career: How We Help Refugees Thrive in the Australian Workforce’ 
George Hanna George Hanna

From Crisis to Career: How We Help Refugees Thrive in the Australian Workforce’ 

For those arriving in Australia, this can be an overwhelming endeavour. Refugees are coming to us, having lost their profession through conflict, persecution or disaster – the most recent being those fleeing Ukraine – and seeking to rebuild their lives through work. Their journey from crisis to career can be long and arduous. It involves complexities such as bridging language barriers, and understanding and navigating foreign job markets.

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The Power of Purpose: Why Hiring Refugees Is Good for Business
George Hanna George Hanna

The Power of Purpose: Why Hiring Refugees Is Good for Business

In this onerous business competition, more and more, the companies are asking what they could more do not only satisfy the latter kind of competitiveness, but also contribute to society and humankind. One of the most powerful of them is employing refugees.

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Breaking Barriers: Overcoming Challenges in Refugee Employment in Australia
George Hanna George Hanna

Breaking Barriers: Overcoming Challenges in Refugee Employment in Australia

Regaining meaningful employment is a major milestone, for refugees in Australia, who have usually entered the country and the labour market at the bottom rung. Yet the employment journey is full of adventure for refugees: luggage mountains, loads that are regularly unpacked and repacked but end up in luggage racks anyway.

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Employing Refugees: What Australian Businesses Need to Know
George Hanna George Hanna

Employing Refugees: What Australian Businesses Need to Know

For Australia, employing refugees is an opportunity to plug workforce shortages in critical industries while doing good. Refugees are skilled and experienced and ready to contribute.[IB2] They have a wealth of knowledge and determination.[IB2]

At the same time, employing refugees takes specific considerations that businesses need to keep in mind to ensure they’re effective – and supportive.

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Rebuilding Lives: How Refugees Are Contributing to Australia’s Social Fabric
George Hanna George Hanna

Rebuilding Lives: How Refugees Are Contributing to Australia’s Social Fabric

Australia has for generations been a country shaped by immigrants and refugees, but those who refugees bring with them? It is usually refugees who come with experiences, skills and cultural insights that can enrich Australian society in hundreds of ways. ‘They don’t just hide under a rock and take whatever comes. They try to make a life for themselves’ Far from ‘dependents’ on the charity of the nation, refugees – particularly those who survive the trauma of state-sponsored violence and forced displacement – are active participants.

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Empathy Meets Expertise: The Importance of Skill Matching for Refugee Employment
George Hanna George Hanna

Empathy Meets Expertise: The Importance of Skill Matching for Refugee Employment

Matching jobs to skills is arguably the most critical pathway to successful refugee employment. Due to a lack of job matching or because their foreign qualifications are not always transferable, refugees often have a wealth of experience, skills and qualifications from their jobs back home that are not leveraged in their new contexts. Skill matching not only promotes refugees’ ability to work but also ensures that employers can benefit from their talents and skills.

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An Untapped Resource: Why Australian Employers Should Hire Refugees
George Hanna George Hanna

An Untapped Resource: Why Australian Employers Should Hire Refugees

Skilled, motivated and ready to learn, refugees are a largely untapped resource for employers across a number of national industries facing critical labour shortages. The number of refugees who are being resettled in Australia each year represents untapped talent and experience waiting to be used. Refugees are keen to engage with the community, to contribute and to build a new future for themselves – with many having valuable skills that can be brought to the local workforce. Refugees want to contribute to the Australian workforce and play a role in shaping its future.

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Sustainable Development Through Refugee Employment
George Hanna George Hanna

Sustainable Development Through Refugee Employment

While conversations about sustainable development tend to default to environmental debates, in reality sustainable development encompasses a much larger and broader aim: creating more inclusive, resilient, and equitable societies. … Embedding refugees into employment routes that allow for inclusion helps to foster more equitable economic growth and job opportunities.

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The Refugee Advantage: How Hiring Refugees Boosts Innovation and Diversity
George Hanna George Hanna

The Refugee Advantage: How Hiring Refugees Boosts Innovation and Diversity

And to survive in an increasingly fast-paced global economy, businesses will need to continue to innovate, think outside the box and diversify in order to scale, grow and compete. Refugees present a talent pool that businesses can tap in order to innovate and develop creative solutions to business problems. Hiring refugees offers a double-dividend. Not only does it address a pressing social need by providing jobs to a population hungry for them, it might also make for a more competitive business.

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From Trauma to Triumph: Stories of Refugee Success in Australian Workplaces
George Hanna George Hanna

From Trauma to Triumph: Stories of Refugee Success in Australian Workplaces

The journey to the triumph of hopeful employment for many refugees is through adversity. Often having survived tremendous trauma, persecution and violence in their homeland, refugees come to Australia with little more than their families and their hopes. Despite these beginnings, after a long period of struggle, most who have been traumatised go on to lead highly fulfilled and successful lives. The journeys of hope and possibility for many are literally a triumph against great odds and they are yet another example of the relevance of hopeful employment.

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Government Support Meets Corporate Action: Partnerships in Refugee Employment
George Hanna George Hanna

Government Support Meets Corporate Action: Partnerships in Refugee Employment

Making refugees self-sufficient in the workplace requires engagement among governments, businesses and non-governmental organisations. Government assistance in resettling refugees is essential in providing the necessary tools for refugees to thrive. Yet, corporate engagement can play a critical role in bridging the gap between resettlement and productive employment by facilitating labour market opportunities. This includes partnerships between governments and businesses that provide the keys for refugees to assimilate into their new communities.

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The Long-Term Benefits of Refugee Employment for Australian Society
George Hanna George Hanna

The Long-Term Benefits of Refugee Employment for Australian Society

This helps refugees become financially independent and to remain self-reliant. But refugees’ employment has impact far beyond an individual – over time, it benefits the Australian economy and improves our society and social cohesion, as refugees’ skills and vision, together with their tenacity, become part of these communities. If Australia lets refugees work, it will become a more inclusive, prosperous and resilient country.

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Rebuilding Dreams: Refugees and the Quest for Meaningful Work
George Hanna George Hanna

Rebuilding Dreams: Refugees and the Quest for Meaningful Work

For the newcomers, this is also true – that road to a new country is the bumpiest, most insecure and challenging of lives. Fleeing homes, jobs and communities under enormous duress, refugees arriving in Australia seeking safety or to live again will contemplate how to make the impossible possible, a ‘new life’. Fresh in the spirit of positivity that characterises one of the most disadvantaged groups in the community, the first order of business is finding work.

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Changing the Narrative: How Refugees Are Breaking Stereotypes Through Employment
George Hanna George Hanna

Changing the Narrative: How Refugees Are Breaking Stereotypes Through Employment

The portrayal of refugees (and often asylum seekers) by the media, few of them as anything other than helpless victims in need of assistance, can feed into stereotypes that rob refugees and asylum-seekers of their skills, resilience and contributions. Reality, however, is that refugees are hardworking and hard-skilled individuals who possess the human capital to benefit their neighbours in their new communities.

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Corporate Responsibility and Refugee Hiring: A Moral Imperative?
George Hanna George Hanna

Corporate Responsibility and Refugee Hiring: A Moral Imperative?

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is one of the key ideas of big business nowadays, as doing more good in the world than just making money is important for many companies. There are many means of engaging in CSR, but one the ways to show that your corporation is interested in social good, is hiring refugees. Since many places suffer from labour shortage, it is natural for the companies to try to employ refugees who can enrich the company’s labour force with their creativity and diversity.

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